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Redshift NIR-X II mini spectrometer 1500-2200nm 1024 PDA detector

Ships within 4-6 weeks
SKU: OSP0509
More Information
Detector Type PDA
Dispersion (nm/pixel) 0.683
Grating (g/mm) 600
Grating Range (nm) 700
Model NIR-X II
Number of Elements 1024
Spectrometer Range (nm) 1500-2200
Estimated Resolving Resolution (nm) 1.4

Knight Optical's Redshift NIR I high performance mini spectrometer is designed to cover the NIR wavelength range from 0.9-1.7μm. Boasting an InGaAs (indium gallium arsenide) detector with a high quality “Sensors Unlimited” linear photo diode array comprised of 512 pixels, 25μm by 500μm tall to provide the greatest sensitivity. The detector has an integrated TEC (thermo electric cooler) maintained at a steady -10 degrees +/- 0.1 degrees to ensure an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. The Redshift mini spectrometer is a “plug & play” system and comes supplied with everything required to start testing straight out of the box. Install the software, plug the system in and begin measuring without the fuss.

The Redshift NIR I mini spectrometer has no moving parts and is enclosed in a rugged case for exceptional durability making it both portable and reliable out in the field.

The Redshift NIR I mini spectrometer is suitable for a range of NIR applications including, but not limited to spectroradiometry, optical power measurements, laser characterization and thin film measurements. Chemical applications include chemical ID and moisture analysis. Dual and multi-beam applications can be achieved by configuring two or more mini spectrometers together using the USB-2 connections supplied.

Dynamic range:
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Selectable well control:
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Software included:
Also free programs for:

4000:1 with 6 decades
3.1nm with 25μm slit
512 pixel cooled PDA
25μm x 500μm
130 x108 electrons
130 x108  or  5 x106 electrons
4000:1 with TEC
NIR I-V models 127x76x51mm
HR/X/SR models 160x100x70mm
2 Amps @ 5 VDC
USB-2 and Parallel
40x faster than USB-1
1 millisecond to 30 seconds
25, 50,100, or 200μm
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
SpectraWiz program & apps
LabView, Excel + VBA, Delphi