Fresnel Prism 12deg deviation 165x165mm aperture
Aperture Width (mm) | 165 |
Facet Width (mm) | 0.15 |
Prism Angle (degrees) | 24 |
Aperture Length along grooves (mm) | 165 |
Deviation Angle (degrees) | 12 |
Fresnel prisms are simple prisms but manufactured using the stepped surface approach of a Fresnel lens. Fresnel prisms must not be confused with fresnel rhombs or biprisms. The type we offer have sawtooth-like structure and will deviate a beam of light by the specified angle, some distortion and colour will be created.
We can also offer fresnel beamsplitters, which have a symmetrical profile and so create a pair of beams symmetrically about the centreline. In this way they act as beam splitters, there is however still some distortion and colour.
The overall size may be up to 20mm larger than the clear aperture.
Prism direction runs parallel to long axis
Materials: Dimensions: Thickness: |
PMMA May be up to 20mm larger than the aperture 1.8 +/-0.3mm |