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Flashed Opal Diffuser 12mmdia x 2mmthk

SKU: DFO1200
More Information
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Diameter (mm) 12
Material Flashed Opal
Thickness (mm) 2

Flashed opal offers a more thorough diffusion with a distribution close to Lambertian, with the brightness of the diffuser being independent of the viewing angle.

Such wide scattering angles will inevitably reduce brightness, however Opal diffusers can be very useful in light boxes and other illumination systems.

Note: Flashed opal diffuser material has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Knight Optical still hold limited stock parts available for purchase. Please contact our sales team for more information.

Overall Thickness:
Opal Layer Thickness:
Surface Quality:

White-flashed opal
+0/-0.25 mm
± 0.3 mm
± 0.20 mm (+0.2/-0.6mm 6mmthk)
0.45mm +0.35mm/-0.2mm
<60-40 scratch-dig

Cutting down of stock components to smaller diameters and sizes.
Mounting options.
Larger sheets available for custom shapes and sizes.
The opal layer can be polished down at short notice.