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Cold Mirror 40mmdia x 3.3mmthk

SKU: 700FCQ4000
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Diameter (mm) 40
Material Borosilicate
Thickness (mm) 3.3
Type Cold Mirror
Description Transmits IR/Absorbs Visible

Cold mirrors are dielectically coated onto a glass substrate to reflect the visible spectrum of light and transmit the near infra-red, which contains the thermal energy. Deisnged for use at 45°, cold mirrors are used to control thermal energy entering temperature sensitive systems and are also an excellent alternative for transmitting the near infra-red spectrum. Cold mirrors have a sharp cut off between IR and visible because they have a dielectric coating that can be controlled. Cold mirrors are often used with tungsten lamps which are the source in a projector or lighting system.

Our stock range of cold mirrors reflect greater than 90% in the visible range of 425nm to 650nm and transmit highly between 800nm to 1200nm. All of our filters are tested in our state of the art metrology facility, using Agilent Cary 5000 spectrophotometers and full spectral data is available on request.

In addition to stocking 45° cold mirrors we also hold large sheets of 0° Cold Mirror available that can be cut to custom sizes at short notice. For more information on our stock range of cold mirrors, or to enquire about a custom quotation, please contact our technical sales team.

Surface quality:
Clear Aperture
Coating Specification:
Borosilcate (LEGB) or equivalent
± 0.2mm
± 0.25mm
60/40 scratch/dig
T.avg >85%@800-1200nm/R.avg >95%@425-650nm AOI 45°
Cold mirror coating @ 45° AOI

Cutting down or edged to special shapes and sizes
Special sizes
Mounting (circles)