Adapting Horizons - The Evolving Aircraft Landscape in the Aerospace & Defence Sector

Adapting Horizons: The Evolving Aircraft Landscape in the Aerospace & Defence (A&D) Sector

12th Sep 2023 at 9:53 am

As we step into the autumn months, statistical data is now revealing the thriving sectors within the market during the first half of 2023. Significantly, the aerospace & defence industry (A&D) has experienced immense prosperity, specifically within the field of aircraft. According to ADS – the trade association representing A&D, security, and space organisations – there has been an extraordinary 129% influx in international aircraft orders in H1 2023 compared to figures from 2022 [1]. In this article, we probe further and uncover the trends and progressions revolutionising how A&D utilise aircraft.

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Ensuring long term success in subsea R&D - Blog article by Knight Optical

Navigating the Depths of Long-Term Success in Subsea R&D

29th Aug 2023 at 11:37 am

Lasting achievement in subsea R&D hinges on adopting constantly changing hi-tech improvements. Staying ahead of the game becomes paramount as we dive deeper into our waters, and by fuelling research and development (R&D) with the best discoveries, we can guarantee persistent growth. Here, we explore the utmost importance of keeping abreast of progressions that are propelling us towards thriving prospects.

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Dive into the World of Underwater Archaeology Technologies and Optical Components

Dive into the World of Underwater Archaeology Technologies and Optical Components

14th Aug 2023 at 2:09 pm

In light of the latest event involving OceanGate’s Titan, oceanic investigation has attracted public interest worldwide. The incident has underscored the vital need for employing appropriate materials in the construction of undersea crafts to verify safety during seabed research. Here, we examine the branch of underwater archaeology and highlight the value of optics in surveying, conserving, and studying historical relics.

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The Importance of Selecting High-Quality Optical Components for R&D Labs in Defence & Aerospace

The Importance of Selecting High-Quality Optical Components for R&D Labs in Defence & Aerospace

31st Jul 2023 at 12:04 pm

In the fast-paced environment of thriving R&D divisions stands a common denominator: the relentless pursuit of excellence. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a simple yet frequently overlooked, quality-driven factor holds the power to make or break a venture’s success. The weight of picking top-tier optics cannot be overstated, notably for the breakthroughs of tomorrow and in the dynamic spheres of the armed forces and aeronautics. Having accumulated more than three decades of familiarity in these domains, Knight Optical is in a prime position to provide insightful perspectives on why opting for premium is pivotal.

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Finding the Right Balance Between Tradition & Innovation in Subsea R&D

Finding the Right Balance Between Tradition & Innovation in Subsea R&D

17th Jul 2023 at 3:00 pm

For subsea veterans, achieving the ideal mix of convention and modernisation in the sphere of R&D is indeed an art. Pre-2000, sophisticated sonar systems, telecommunications as well as submersible cameras and craft set a formidable benchmark. Nonetheless, the marketplace has taken noteworthy strides and continues to evolve. At Knight Optical, we are a recognised brand within the forward-thinking community. Here, we discover the art of counterbalancing time-honoured customs with progressive strategies and the advantages of staying abreast of cutting-edge growth.

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Renaissance of Robotics- The Top 10 Marvels in the Post-COVID Age

Renaissance of Robotics: The Top 10 Marvels in the Post-COVID Age

3rd Jul 2023 at 12:49 pm

At Knight Optical, we’ve got our fingers on the pulse of the robotics and automation industry, and we can’t contain our excitement about the jaw-dropping innovations coming out of the sector, especially in the aftermath of the coronavirus. Brace yourself as we dive into the top 10 incredible advancements that arose after 2020 and are radically changing the way we live, work and play.

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How to Choose the Right Optical Component Supplier for Your R&D Lab’s Specific Needs

15th Jun 2023 at 5:07 pm

Selecting the perfect optical component partner for your research and development (R&D) laboratory’s specifications demands thoughtful evaluation of various critical factors. As a provider of high-quality, metrology-tested optics, the team here at Knight Optical recognise the significance of pinpointing a supplier that can meet your specific requirements. Below, we delve into the seven key pillars that comprise the basis of a reputable company, which are worth your careful consideration.

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machine vision optical components

Seeing the Future: How Machine Vision Is Revolutionising Industry

19th Apr 2023 at 12:07 pm

A subfield of artificial intelligence (AI), machine vision is advancing quickly and has the capacity to revolutionise many industries worldwide. Since it heavily relies on visual processing, it is no wonder that integrating high-precision optical components is crucial to its operation. In this blog, Knight Optical, a major supplier of metrology-tested optical components, delves into the rise of machine vision and other automation systems in various sectors.

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Pumping up Productivity: How Robotics are Used in the Oil and Gas Industry

22nd Mar 2023 at 3:59 pm

Robotics and automation have greatly enhanced the development of oil and gas by improving maintenance and repair, production efficiency, and safety monitoring. These systems are often equipped with advanced components such as sensors and cameras, with optical components being particularly crucial to their performance. Here, Knight Optical, a leading provider of high-precision optical components, explores the application of robotics and autonomous technology in the oil and gas industry.

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what is a cobot

What is a Cobot? Bridging the Gap Between Robots and Humans

13th Mar 2023 at 9:52 am

As we reflect on history, we can observe numerous systems with resemblances to robots. In fact, some concepts of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are speculated to date back to ancient times. The resourceful Ancient Greeks, for instance, created sophisticated automated puppet theatres1, while the Ancient Egyptians devised ingenious mechanical operating systems embodied in figurines2. Fast-forwarding to the present era, significant progress has been made since the days of Ancient Greece and Egypt. Nevertheless, it is evident that the fundamental mechanics of some contemporary systems bear similarities to those of antiquity.

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